Control your Solar and Battery. To Save you Money.

We're helping households and businesses smartly shift their energy to take advantage of spot energy prices, putting them in control of their power bills.

Optimised Power

POWSTON uses cutting-edge technology with a combination of hardware devices in your home and our cloud based platform to provide optimised power management solutions for your energy needs.

Customer Results

Meet Aaron, he's a real customer, a Brisbane resident with 2 people in his house, works from home regularly, has multiple split system air conditioners which he's not afraid to use and a swimming pool to keep clean. 

For the past six months, Aaron has utilized Powston for his energy needs. His home is equipped with 5kWh solar panels and a 12kWh battery. During the Christmas quarter in Queensland, Aaron's energy consumption would have typically resulted in an $848 bill. Even with his solar and battery setup, he would have faced a $404 charge. Fortunately, thanks to POWSTON, Aaron didn't just reduce his bill; he ended up with a credit of $7.26.*

*Based on results from 1st Dec 2023-31 January 2024. Aaron leveraged POWSTON's unique solution and AEMO published SPOT Pricing. All other bills were calculated use published market Solar Tarrifs from Origin Energy.  

*Based on results from 1st Dec 2023-31 January 2024. Aaron leveraged POWSTON's unique solution and AEMO published SPOT Pricing. All other bills were calculated use published market Solar Tarrifs from Origin Energy.  

Take control of your power bill

Leveraging our unique solution to manage your power by connecting your solar inverter, battery, air conditioners, and other devices alongside variable tariffs, you can use the cheapest and greenest power, saving up to 70% off retail.

Introductory Pricing

  • $149 single phase inverter controller*

* $10/month - controller management software

Order Inverter Controller

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About Us

POWSTON is a Brisbane-based company specializing in Energy Management technology (Bliss.AI Pty Ltd).

Our focus is on promoting sustainable energy use and providing real-time energy monitoring, cost savings, and carbon footprint reduction through our innovative technology.

POWSTON is a proud New Energy Tech Approved Seller.

Founder Ian Connor at Qld energy accelerator