Maximize Your Earnings: Why a Battery is Essential

Aug 11, 2024By Ian Connor
Ian Connor

Solar energy is often hailed as a clean, renewable source of power, and many households and businesses have wisely invested in solar panels. However, to truly maximize your earnings in today's energy market, solar panels alone no longer provide the returns they once did. A battery system is now essential for capitalizing on the spot energy market.

some of the top earners aren’t even equipped with solar panels

solar battery

During the day, solar panels across the grid collectively generate more electricity than the grid can use. This surplus often leads to negative feed-in tariffs, meaning that during peak sunlight hours, the value of the electricity you produce can drop significantly, sometimes even resulting in you paying to export your excess power.

In contrast, the real opportunity for earnings comes when the sun isn’t shining. Battery storage allows you to capture your solar energy during the day and sell it back to the grid during the evening or night, when demand is higher and feed-in rates are more favorable.

-800 bill from 10 days without solar
10 days trading with a battery and no solar

Interestingly, some of the top earners aren’t even equipped with solar panels. These sites often charge their batteries with free or low-cost solar energy from the grid during the day, and then discharge that stored energy at night when electricity prices are at their highest. This strategy highlights the flexibility and profitability that battery storage can offer, even without direct solar production.

..if you sell your house, you can take your battery with you...

Another significant advantage of investing in a battery system is its mobility. Unlike solar panels, which are typically considered fixtures attached to your property, batteries are often classified differently. This means that if you sell your house, you can take your battery with you, moving it to your next home and continuing to reap the benefits.

August Earnings Breakdown:

  • Daytime Exports: Only 11.4% of earnings came from exporting solar power during the day.
  • Battery Exports: A remarkable 88.6% of earnings were generated by exporting stored energy from batteries during the night, when feed-in rates are at their peak.

This data underscores the importance of battery storage with (or without) solar system. The best returns now come not from daytime solar exports, but from strategically timed battery exports when electricity is most valuable.